Amor Becoming Perfect El Movimeinto Enganados Envilicer Government of God Hablando mal kind Talking bad about others Vilification

!Hablando mal de otros un metodo comun, es envilicer, aun blasfemia!

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Veo a la gente hablando mal de los demás como una manera de manejar a los demás en la iglesia. Hanblando mal de la gente atenúan a otros para hacerse ver grandes. Entonces, la gente se asusta y los matones gobiernan. Hablar mal de los demás no es un método de liderazgo, ni de gestión, ni de enseñanza. Se ha hecho pasar por esas cosas durante años en el Movimiento.

Se disfraza de sabiduría y liderazgo, pero enmascara malas intenciones y feo orgullo.

Hablando mal de los otros, tratando atenuar es lamado envilicer.  Aun es lamado blasfemia.  Dios peinsa que cuanod sus hijos son envilicado, El si mismo es envilicado.  Y nosotros sabemos es muy serio a hablar mal de Dios.

La forma de proceder es diferente. Véanse Efesios 4:31. El desprecio de hermanos y hermanas se considera lo mismo que blasfemia. Es contrario a fluir en Espíritu y contrario a la Palabra, la Biblia.
¿Qué en lugar?
¡Matteo 18 es la cura!

John Wesley predico un mensaje llamada “La Cura del Mal Hablar.” Era una revelacion para mi porque ha noticiada que era un metodo de gestión en el Movimiento con  resultados opuestos a los esperados si se pretendía equipar y madurar .

El mismo mensaje, mas or menos, en Ingles. Vilificaton

John Wesley’s sermon, in full text, on “The Cure of Evil Speaking”

Welsey’s notes on Matthew 18

Watch on


La Comunion Por Todos Los Encerrados

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Hay muchos que son encerrados. Y encerrados como miedo. Miedo no es necessario, porque Jesus ha conquistado todo, aun muerto. Celebramos en la comunion, el eucaristo. Hoy dia, hay un celebracion de la cen del Senor.
Los tiempos son muy interesante, verdad?  Verdadero. Vemos las Escrituras cumplidas.

Algunos pueden tener miedo o sentirse enfermos. Aquí hay un servicio de comunión para comodidad, curación, protección y edificación. Es lo mejor que puedo hacer con mi español limitado y mi tiempo limitado.
Por favor, comparta con cualquiera que lo necesite.

No debemos encerrados de nada, especialmente miedo. !Levanten con Cristo!


Jesus, Hijo Modelo esta’ en marcha

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Hoy dia este serie esta’ en marcha. Tenga paciencia mientras ponemos a funcionar la tecnología.

Se trata de Jesús y de lo que nos había traído. Es una gran buena noticia. A veces a algunas personas y cosas no les gusta, pero estamos dando nuestras vidas para compartirlo.

Hoy dia comenzamos: Jesus es el hijo modelo. Esto significa que podemos ir y hacer lo mismo.

Christ demons Foundations Good News Grace How Sonship Doctrine Can stay within orthodoxy Jesus Pride Salvation Satan

Understand and Command

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Understand and command is the center of this T.L. Osborn sermon. Typical, he claims, of his sermons, calling people to see and believe Jesus the Christ.
I find it very encouraging to consider that in Christ we are far about principalities and powers. Still, we the church have generally not understood this Paul’s, and T.L.’s point. We still fight demons.Check out what he says.
It seems to me that also this leads to a great vision of who sons of God should be. Confident. Understanding. Commanding over evil.
It clearly contrasts a words perspective and the proper grace perspective — and why there is a different.
I also appreciated his words about the women in the Upper Room. Check it out.


First Fruits and the Feast of Weeks

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A clear re-teaching of the Feast of First Fruits and the Feast of Weeks. Let’s just go through Leviticus 23 and cover the 7 feasts of the Lord, and the sabbath. We will find that there has been some confusion that First Fruits IS Shavuot/Pentecost. We will clear up the confusion. And talk a little bit why it is important.

My mission is to set the captive free. This may seem like a calm going over what we all know, but really, it will meet the mission. There are those who are estranged, but God wishes to reach out to them and bring them to Himself. There are those who are bewildered and hurt. God wants to put soft cotton bandages on those hurts and heal them. Some are resigned, and on their last sighs. God wants to breath new life into those lungs. Get out the poison gases and put in the oxygen of the Spirit.

We were so blessed to know about the Feasts of the Lord, the moed, way back in the 1970s. There is more to know. More clarity. More energy will come from it.

For those who will email me, I will send you both a document and a audio track that will discuss how Jews today celebrate the Feasts of Weeks. This includes the blessings, both in Hebrew and in English. Just email me. Tell me who you are. And I will email you this free gift. Please be invited to let me know of your situation. What is going on? What are you interested in learning? What is going on?

For anyone who is interested enough to send an offering, and is interested in the more recent application of the Feast of First Fruits to (first fruits) offerings, I will email you an audio track concerning that. Please go to to find ways to give electronically. Alternatively, for land mail, send a check to Sharon Sarles P.O. Box 971 Cedar Park, TX 78630. Please enclose your name, land address and email so I can get the information to you.


The Real Way to be a Son of God — Don’t be Snookered or Confused

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Sahrona nd DAve: the problem here is that I new/renames file was uplaoded to JPS but is not findable with the JPS hookup below. Is this beacue of maintance? Or a general mix upo fthe 2 casts?

Right where we first found out that we could become perfect, we are told how. Somehow, though, no one ever got around preaching about that. For some reason… or other?…. Ephesians 4:11&12 was always referenced as the primary was to become perfect.

If Jesus gives us a command to be perfect, wouldn’t He have told us how? Oh! But He did. It will be a happy surprise!

The alternative is a bunch of rules. If The Law, the Torah couldn’t work for that, how would some new set work? Especially if they keep changing? Oy vey.

Maybe we were confused … or snookered.

Amazingly, in the very passage where we established that it was appropriate to have an aspiration to be perfect because God gave us that command, God also gave us the way. Spoiler alert: it is NOT obeying the ministry. It is walking in love. Wow!

Have a listen!

God's part Good News Prayer & praying Sonship

Resting in Sonship

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Here is an awesome work that comes out of prophetic prayer — and Scripture — mentioning resting in Sonship. Prophetically, rooted in Hebrews 4 and Matt 11:28, the Lord spoke about lifting burdens and entering into rest. This is grounded in the knowing that God loves us dearly. The blood has already rewritten out history. We must shake off fear, concern, and lack of trust so we can enter into the rest and into demonstration of Sonship.

Leading prayer is Mark Henderson. Leading worship is Micah Henderson. These are sons of Robert Henderson, known for his *Courts of Heaven* work. Also speaking is Jason Wall, a missionary temporarily stationed in Waco because of the covid thing. Also speaking was a woman named Didi who regularly attends, prays, and prophesies there. Location was Radiant Church in Waco. Texas. For more, please see Also available on other platforms, as mentioned.

These guys are not familiar with “the Move” or Sam Fife, and most probably not with the Latter Rain. Even Robert Henderson told me he had never heard of Sam Fife. He said he had no connection with the Latter Rain. Consequently, they have no thought of entering into any debate or discussion. They are praying, earnestly, by the Spirit.

I know you will find it awesome — and thought provoking! I recommend you not only listen for doctrine, but pray with them, even if that means going thru the hour more than once. Thanks, guys! Thanks, Lord!


Praying for the Five-Fold

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Get a load of this!  Spontaneous, Spirit-led prayer for canceling spiritual dwarfism in the church, that we might grow up into the Head, bringing for and correcting of the 5-fold. What does it take that we might grow up properly?  Yes, I know you know. I know you have heard Ephesians 11 to what? 19 so much you are beyond memorization. You are into sleep — is my guess. You gotta hear this! You must pray with this recording! WOW!

I know, once you knew the flow and the challenge of a step up. And we know that the dryness, and the twisting, and the cracks have shown up. When have we been led in repentance? When have we prayed into correction? When have we been rehydrated? Refreshed? Renewed?

Are you about to give up? Maybe did a long time ago and now you just enjoy the family? Now that we are amazingly close to the ends of the age, where are you? Are you one of the deliverers coming out of Zion. Remember that?

You want to hear/see Robert Henderson praying against dwarfism and for the renewing, correcting, manifesting of the 5-fold. And the growing up of the Body of Christ.

Blessing Deception God is good Gospel History How Sonship Doctrine Can stay within orthodoxy Pride Resurrection

Choose Life

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From Deuteronomy 30, from the story of Mount Ebal and Mount Gerazim, with death and life, good and evil, blessing and cursing set before us, we consider how we can better choose life. The listeners of this podcast are already Christians, already choosing a spiritual life. Are there ways we have been led off track? Can we see life a little better, and choose life a little better? I think so. I think this passage with help us. We will understand a little more about the ways of God from his commandments, statutes, and judgements.  We will find out more about God’s blessings.  We will find out that blessings, good, and life all come together, are connected, and — it is good news!

Please bless us with a donation. Please see the right hand side bar. PayPal can take your credit or debit card, as well as Paypal. Let us know if you need Cashapp, Western Union  or Zelle. We have come to believe that this is indeed part of the blessing economy of God. Tithing is a commandment.  Giving is a statute.  Blessing others is a way of life. I hope this podcast, laboring in doctrine blesses you. Please please us with some “green folding energy” so we can share some more. Also, we would be happy to come to your location to share with the saints if you like and could make that possible. Blessings!