Acting loving Foundations I will ascen Satan Sonship

I Will Ascend 2

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Continuing our thought, we talk about thinking one is better than others simply because one has accepted the sonship message.

Let’s keep the feast of unleavened bread. Let’s remember, Jesus is the firstfruits. We are in Him because of God’s grace, His faithfulness, and our identification with Jesus in baptism. That is what the Bible says.

Something else, is off the path. Something like vaunting our selves is more like what Lucifer did. Let’s don’t go down that path.

demons Foundations How Sonship Doctrine Can stay within orthodoxy Pride satanic Sonship

I Will Ascend 1 of 3

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I have always said there is a fine line between sonship doctrine and the “I will ascend” doctrine.  I thought other people said it too. In any case, let’s make that line very clear, highlighted, and noticed — so we all back away from it. Let’s not go over it. Satan has always perverted truth. That is his method. And the greater the truth, perhaps the more concerted and perverted is the twist.

This is not the last podcast, but it is the one (or 3)  that perhaps is the most important, the one without which I couldn’t advertise the podcast. Thank God, I finally got it up, in time for Passover and Resurrection Sunday in 2020. So much is going on. So quickly. This seems so behind, but I am working as fast as I can.

Please share. Please share it with people who are confused and upset about this issue. I hope it helps a lot.

Being loving corona virus Healing kind Sonship

Answer to Covid-19 Hidden in Purim Story

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Several things in the Purim story (Esther, Mordecai and Haman) are very prophetic. What I noticed today is that the King himself didn’t undo the bad decree, but let Esther and Mordecai head up the routing of Haman’s plans. The King, however, did take care of Haman, who died on his own gallows.

We were told by more than one prophet that there would be a shaking this spring. The world is certainly shaken by the covid-19 corona virus. It is proving a great time for China’s people and government to see how helpful the Christians have been, risking their lives to help others, identified in yellow jackets. It would be a great time for Christians here to prove themselves helpful: non-fearful, non-greedy, and compassionate. Certainly, many are calling us to prayer. Many have urged more prudence than the governments and official medical folks are offering. I always have a virus protocol, scientifically cited on my site (a list of supplements like garlics and over the counter sometimes very counter-intuitive things). Dr. Braverman and Dr. Gabriel Cousens are circulating their suggestions (hydration and essential oils and homepathics respectively). Perry Stone ended his prayer meeting tonight with some basic ways to build up immunity including Vitamin C and Vitamin D and elderberry juice. More than one of us have remembered John G. Lake’s experience helping in the plague in South Africa. Plague germs would die when they touched him — verified under a microscope.

Let’s us stand up as sons and daughters of God and be like Jesus. If our immunity is built up as much as John G Lake’s good, but whatever level we are, let us pick up the weapons and gifts we have — and not lay them slack on the ground mesmerized and paralyzed by the enemy. No! We remember the heart of what we were about: Jesus. We follow Jesus. Let’s do what Jesus would do. Amen.

Blessings of health, healing, wholeness, wisdom and God’s peace be to you, yours, your city and your nation. Amen. 


Vilification or Evil Speaking – Prominent Topic for Aspiring Sons

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One of John Wesley’s most famous sermons was “The Cure of Evil Speaking.”  “Evil speaking” comes from Ephesians 4: 31. Wesley translated it “vilification.” Modern Americans might say informally “speaking bad about a brother or sister in the Lord.” Wesley’s cure was Matthew 18. Once one considers the matter, one is given a great and … Continue reading Vilification or Evil Speaking – Prominent Topic for Aspiring Sons


John Wesley Preached Perfection

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John Wesley, Anglican clergyman and movement founder and ultimately founder of the Methodist traditions, did teach that perfection was possible. He is the first person, I believe, to preach such a thing. It was controversial. However, we have his published writings on the topic. Indeed, we have a a series of writing, so we can … Continue reading John Wesley Preached Perfection


“Sons of God” shows up in Scripture

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WOW! I recently found out that ” ‘uois” the Greek work for mature sons shows up in Scripture 7 times. AMAZING. And with all the preaching I have heard on sonship doctrine, I never heard this. Have you? If you are new to sonship doctrine, this will establish what is up — that there are … Continue reading “Sons of God” shows up in Scripture


Needing a Certain Method for How to Become a Son of God

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Right. So, if sons of God exist, then how do we become a son of God. Isn’t that the most vital question? Right there in Matthew 5:48, Jesus tells us. Never have I heard this preached on. Never. Never have I even heard the question asked: how? by what method?  But isn’t that the most … Continue reading Needing a Certain Method for How to Become a Son of God


Sonship is Real

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Today we prove from the Bible that there are “sons of God” who are humans. We are looking for the Greek word for mature sons, “‘UIOS.”  This word is normally used of Jesus. A Roman adoption in which a rich father recognizes his grown son as being in business with him and able to represent … Continue reading Sonship is Real


Jesus the Pattern Son – an attempt to teach Sonship doctrine faithfully

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Today we post our first and most introductory podcast. Sonship is great news because it is an invitation to a deeper walk with God, to being saved to the uttermost. This may come as a great surprise to both camps, but seems a great place to start in explaining what sonship would be. It would … Continue reading Jesus the Pattern Son – an attempt to teach Sonship doctrine faithfully