Category Archives: Satan

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La Importancia de los Ninos – Un Mensaje for la Fiesta de Navidad

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Este festival de Navidad, consideramos la importanci de los Ninos. La crianza es un vocacion muy alto. El perspectivo de generacion es en la plan y el espero de Dios.

Pero tenemos enemigos. El enemigo es un mentiroso. Dicenos a no valor a las ninos. Y nos enganos para matarnos.

Pero hay rescate en el Bebe JesuCristo. Hay resurrecion por nostros en su resurrecion.

Eso es el testimonio de Johnny & Elizabeth Enlow sobre abuse sexual en la iglesia: start about 20 minutes in

Hay enlaces sobre los heroes quien rescate personas esclavitudes sexuales. (es un articulo antiquo y limitado, pero fue permitado)

los ministerios contra Tráfico sexual de niños son secretos mas or menos; no tiene websites, pero puedes buscare Operation Millstone y ver triumph en los anos pasados – muchas videos que discute el crisis del frontera y trafico de humanos, inclue nino, inclue abuso de sexual aun commerical no he oido’


No hay seguridad por los que hablan el verdad. Por eso, ten discernido, oren, y hablan el verdad siempre.

Christ demons Foundations Good News Grace How Sonship Doctrine Can stay within orthodoxy Jesus Pride Salvation Satan

Understand and Command

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Understand and command is the center of this T.L. Osborn sermon. Typical, he claims, of his sermons, calling people to see and believe Jesus the Christ.
I find it very encouraging to consider that in Christ we are far about principalities and powers. Still, we the church have generally not understood this Paul’s, and T.L.’s point. We still fight demons.Check out what he says.
It seems to me that also this leads to a great vision of who sons of God should be. Confident. Understanding. Commanding over evil.
It clearly contrasts a words perspective and the proper grace perspective — and why there is a different.
I also appreciated his words about the women in the Upper Room. Check it out.

Christ demons Foundations How Sonship Doctrine Can stay within orthodoxy Jesus Only Begotten Son Pride Satan Unique Son

I Will Ascend – 3 of 3

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Finishing out the “There is a Fine Line Between Sonship Doctrine and The ‘I Will Ascend’ Doctrine.  Substituting ourselves for the unique, begotten Son, Jesus who is the Lord God is over the line and into the “I will ascend” doctrine.  Check out Sam Fife’s original booklets, particularly Man, Maid, and Manchild, to see the substitution for Jesus. The ministry was the bridegroom. This is no longer taught, but is revealing.Good example of what to be careful.

Acting loving Foundations I will ascen Satan Sonship

I Will Ascend 2

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Continuing our thought, we talk about thinking one is better than others simply because one has accepted the sonship message.

Let’s keep the feast of unleavened bread. Let’s remember, Jesus is the firstfruits. We are in Him because of God’s grace, His faithfulness, and our identification with Jesus in baptism. That is what the Bible says.

Something else, is off the path. Something like vaunting our selves is more like what Lucifer did. Let’s don’t go down that path.