Bill Britton El Movimeinto end-times Enganados George Hawtin George Wanock historia Latter Rain LLuiva Tardia North Battleford perfección Sam Fife Saskatchewan

Una Historia de La Lluvia Tardia y El Movimiento

A hacer una historia del Movimiento de Sam Fife, debemos comenzar con la Luvia Tardia. Aun antes, fue la doctrina de John Wesley (1700s.) Eso es aqui en breve.

Primero he dado la historia de la Lluvia Tardia. Comenzo in North Battleford Saskatchewan in 1949. Hay congregaciones hoy dia. Tambien, hay otros grupos que tenia sue linea de ellos.

Entonces en los 1960s, Sam Fife comenzo a predicar una doctrina similar. De tambien la doctrina de vida corporativa. Een los Estados Unidos, creceron hasta unas milles en los 1970s, pero son muy pequenos hoy dia. Crecen mas en otros partes hoy dia, incluso SudAmerica y Espana.

Tenian diversos. Eso es que he vido y he conocido.

Mi objectivo es ayudar proceder meyor, consolar corazones desconcertados, y no attaque nadie. Creo es un tarea. Espero que les ayuda.

El Moviemiento de la LLuvia Tardia



Sam Fife publica poco o acerca de él, ya que específicamente evitó el evangelismo, la publicidad y las publicaciones. Sus folletos se conservan, pero no necesariamente los dirige el liderazgo actual.
Little is published by or about Sam Fife, since he specifically eschewed evangelism, publicity, and publishing. His booklets are extant, but not necessarily entirely embraced by current leadership.

Hoy hay mucho en la web. La gente tuvo una amplia variedad de experiencias, no todas buenas. Evalúelos usted mismo. No consideramos que Wikipedia sea una fuente confiable, especialmente en temas de religión, ya que hemos descubierto que están sesgados hasta el punto de ser infundados en algunos casos de la vida de otros ministros. Hay controversias en esta historia que no conozco. Tenga cuidado con la idealización y la difamación.

Today there is much on the web. People did have a wide variety of experiences — not all good. Evaluate these yourself. We do not hold Wikipedia to be a trustworthy source, especially on topics of religion, as we have found them to be consistently biased to the point in unfactual in some cases of other ministers’ lives. There are controversies in this history about which I do not know. Beware of both idealization and defamation.

Mi consejo es que prestes atención a tu propio caminar. No se deje engañar. Tampoco te dejes apartar del camino por la falta de perdón. Me ayudó cuando alguien dijo, “la vida es una mezcla de cosas”. Si, el trigo y la cizaña crecen juntos.
My advice is to pay attention to your own walk. Don’t be fooled. Don’t be pulled off the path by unforgiveness, either. It helped me when someone said, “life is a mixed bag.” The wheat and the tares do grow together.

!Que el Señor te bendiga!


    1. admin Post author

      Texas opened up April 30, 2020. Mask mandates are illegal — at least for Texas government offices. Only a very few, older, or highly political leftists, wear masks. Business is as normal; the last socialist multi-nationals who had high tech employees who could work from home are going back to the office. The federal government’s extension of masks on planes and trains was blocked by a federal judge. Vaccine mandates are essentially gone because 1) Texas has respect for religious exemptions and 2) employers need workers. Federal government and corporate oligarchs are trying to reinstate, but the population won’t have it. Many people are horrified about the negative health consequences of having taken the vax. A very large minority, based on Biblical understanding, never took the vax. Most southern states are like this. Most central states are like this. North Dakota never shut down and had the best statistics of all. People are leaving California and New York in droves. Business rules and taxes are reasons normally given, but “covid” rules are important too.

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